This Complaints Handling Process applies to Complete Wellington.
Complete is a group clinic, a ‘Team,’ consisting of:
Complete Chiropractic
Complete Physiotherapy
Complete Sports Massage
If you have a complaint or concerns about the service you have received from our team, please let us know. We hope that we can resolve most problems easily and quickly, often at the time you raise this with us, and with the person concerned.
If we cannot resolve your problem in this way and you wish to make a complaint, we would like you to let us know as soon as possible – ideally, within a matter of days or at the most four weeks – this will enable us to establish what happened more easily.
Download our Complaint Form to ensure you provide us with complete information to review the matter raised and to ensure we both hold an accurate record of the matter.
We take all complaints seriously and use the information from investigations to help us improve our services.
Complaint Management Process
Confidentiality, impartiality, and fairness
- We will respect the confidentiality of the complainant and the person complained about. We will comply with relevant privacy legislation.
- The complainant may have a support person/representative at any meeting we may have with you.
- We may engage external representation to support our response to any complaint received.
- We will share the complaint/feedback only with individuals necessary to ensure a fair and complete investigation relative to the concern(s) raised.
Acknowledgement and response to the complaint
- We deal with complaints fairly and promptly.
- We will send a letter or email to you, acknowledging receipt of the complaint within 5 working days.
- If you have not already completed the Complaint Form, we will request that you do so. This is to ensure we have the appropriate information to investigate your complaint thoroughly and to ensure we both hold an accurate record of the matter.
- We may reach out to you to clarify any details you include in your complaint form, seek further information related to your concerns and discuss the outcome sought with you.
- We will inform the relevant Practitioner immediately of your complaint. We will discuss the matter with them, and take appropriate action, where necessary.
Assessment & Investigation
When we investigate your complaint, we or our nominated representative(s) will aim to:
- Find out what happened and what went wrong
- Make it possible for you to discuss the problem with those concerned
- Make sure you receive an apology, where it is appropriate
- Identify what we can do to make sure the problem does not happen again by learning from events
We will act without bias to identify, analyse, and review the necessary information required to establish and verify the facts.
We will assess the complaint and determine the appropriate level of investigation based on an objective review of the information available.
- Client service notes/file review
- Procedure/guidelines / internal policies and procedures
- Relevant professional standards
- Relevant service schedules and agreements (if applicable)
Complaint Response
Within ten working days of having acknowledged your complaint, we will advise whether:
- We consider the complaint justified, the outcome of the complaint and any actions we propose to take, or
- We do not accept the complaint is justifiable and the reason(s) for this, or
- We need more time to investigate the complaint and the timeframes we require.
Record Keeping
We will keep comprehensive records of your complaint. This includes:
- All information gathered and considered in relation to the complaint
- How we managed the complaint
- The outcome of the complaint; and
- Actions we have taken.
Independent Advice & Help
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can contact the following independent organisations: